In spring of 2013, we invited Carolyn Chipman Evans and Brent Evans - who are authors of the book "The Nature Center Book : How to Create and Nurture a Nature Center in Your Community". We could discussed about the Place-Based Nature Center in some places of Japan and China. This page is the report of "Nature Center Tour" for two weeks.

n Spring of 2012, we published a Japanese version of "The Nature Center Book". (Click Here)
10 years ago, we just found a original book by chance at the book store in Canada, and contacted to authors, Mr. and Mrs. Brent. Since then, we have been keeping in touch.
When we get permission of traslation to Japanese, we promised to introduce this book in Japan instead of royalities on this book. 10 years later, finally, it was came true.
In Sapporo, Kyoto, and Tokyo, we discussed about the Nature Center at some meetings and workshops. After that we move to China and also had some meetings there. Because translation to Chinese is also proceeding, and we are invited by Beijing Normal University.
We could communicate and discuss about potential of Nature Center in each places.

Cibolo Nature Center

Cibolo Nature Center is located in Boerne, Texas. This area is surrounded by a lot of nature, even be nearby a town and people's life.
They have about 150 programs a year such as outdoor classroom for local schools and family camp, etc. Many visitors come and touch to the nature.
Additionaly Cibolo Nature Center has role as local farm and community center.
Some events are held, such as music concert or farmer's market - for local people can gather together and connect each other.
It is a Community-Based Nature Center which makes relationship for people and nature.

Carolyn Chipman Evans
The founder and executive director of the Cibolo Nature Center.
She has worked to build community by involving many organizations and individuals in the creation of the nature center.

Brent Evans
Licensed social worker who has practiced family counseling and community organization for 33 years. He has been active in coservation work for many years as an educator, entertainer, and executive director of a land trust, the Cibolo Conservancy.