I sincerely believe that for the child, and for the parent seeking to guide him,
it is not half so important to know as to feel.
Learning begins from curiosity. Wonder School is the school program that aims to let children awake wondering.
Nature is the best place that children can feel and learn anything by themselves. This program's purpose is that help children to have own interest in the nature.
We accept over 30 elementary schools a year around Sapporo. Wonder School began at 2005, 20 thousand children came before.
Many kinds of program are provided such as Nature Games, Insect collecting, Talking with big tree, Haiku Hike, Catch the rain, Night Walk, and more. We want to create opportunities that children could glow own sensitivity and curiosity thorough the self experience with their friends in nature.
(from "The Sense of Wonder" by Rachel Carson, 1965)

Wonder School 2013
Date : June - September 2013
Place : The Forest Study Center in Hokkaido
Participant : 2362 children, 26 schools
Programs : Haiku Hike / Talking with Elderly Wood / Forest Mistery Circle / Find Insect / Find Water Creature / Wild Life and Environment / Planting Tree / Cutting Branches / Making Nature Stamp Book / Forest Musium / Making Bird Call / Night Program / Catch the Rain / Ice Break Activity

In Sapporo area, many school classes take 5th-grade children to the nature at a school camp. We are conducting 1 or 2 program(s) per school during their school camp.
In advance children chose which program they want to do, then they do with groups in the nature.
When they come to Forest Study Center, at first Ice-Break program is started for children make a friend with members and nature. For example "Mirror Stretch" is mimic other motion with strech, "Mix Word" is give a card with a letter and then children make groups to make some words. "Stand Up" is everyone stand up all together by help of friend's hands.
Children should see, talk and help each other thorough the activity, then they make a relationship by themselves.
There is some programs for prepare to get into the nature. The nature game of "Paper, Stone and scissors" and "What is hidden thing" which touch leafs or flowers in the box by only sense of hand is enjoyed by all.
When everyone ready to get into the nature, make a group and do activities which they chosen. Children wonder when they catch fish or dragonfly. And hear the sound of wood breathing by the stethoscope. Wonderful times passes fast.
Our program is not only see or hear, also share one's feeling in the end. Sometimes make some Haiku or poetry. To output their feeling is very important, their thoughts is very inspired.
Through the actual experience, they can learn and aware "Sense of Wonder" by themselves.
After diner, take into night forest and walk with friends in the dark. As well as going forward by own eyes without light. Little by little they come to see anything, find shining sky. Everyone look up the stars and amazed.
This area is far away from the city, some Owl is living. If they have good luck Owl hoot and appear. If it's unfortunate but children feel any signs of animals and silent nature. Their feeling mixed fear and curiosity, wonder and impression.
They may be able to sleep well.
We hope this experience become their memory.
Sponsor : Hokkaido Government
Plan and Conduct : Tobetsu Ecological Community
Support : Tobetsu-Chou / Tobetsu Board of Education / Hokkaido Environment Foundation